In this article we will go through the steps of programming an Biamp Echo panel to control an Epson 1980 projector.

This will be a step-by-step guide.


Start Biamp Project designer

Choose the controller or panel you want to program, we are going to select the Impera Echo

And select Blank project

Select Create new, to create a new empty project

Now we have a window with the Impera Echo controller, and need to add the projector we are going to control.

In the left column, under Projector -> Epson

Find the EB-1980WU and drag it into the programming window 

Now you are asked if the projector will be controlled by Lan og RS232. 

Since the Echo panel can only use RS232, you just select OK

Next window we can adjust the warm up time, cool down time and other settings, we will leave these pr. default at the moment (we can adjust them later)

Select OK

You can now see the projector is connected to the Echo controller by RS-232

Next we are going to add functions to the buttons on the panel.

In the lower left corner select the Function tab 

In the left Column open the Epson - EB-1980WU function list.

Open the Power selection

Drag On and place it on Button nr. 1 on the panel.

Now you have programmed the button to turn on the projector.

Open Source function list

Drag HDMI 1 and place it on button nr. 1

Now you have programmed button 1, so it first turn on the projector, and then select input HDMI 1

Open the Power function list again

Drag Off and place it on button nr. 5

Now button nr. 5 is programmed to turn off the projector

Let's add some volume control

Open the Level function list

Drag Volume and place it on button nr. 4.

you will now get a window asking if you want the function to turn up or down the volume.

Select Up

Select Add

Drag Volume and place it on button nr. 8.

you will now get a window asking if you want the function to turn up or down the volume.

Select Down

Select Add


The next step is to design the interface for the buttons on the panel.

Click here for the panel design step